Do you have a strategic marketing partnership for your nonprofit?

We love working with nonprofits.

In fact, Digital Mountaineers was created specifically to help lighten the digital marketing load from Positive Impact Organizations. Let’s face it, making the world a better place is no easy feat. We believe that no one should do it alone. With us in your corner, no one climbs their mountains alone. We hope to become collaborative partners for the long haul.

Enter, strategic marketing partnerships.


A strategic marketing partnership is one where both organizations benefit positively in areas that you each define. We know from experience that these partnerships are a tremendous asset to any Positive Impact Organization. So, how can you find an organizational partner? We’ve listed some helpful tips below.


1. What do you need from a partnership?

Identify areas where your nonprofit needs some TLC. Maybe there is a special project or something you’ve been wanting to spotlight for a while but there aren’t enough resources to make it happen. Jot down a list and prioritize which is most important to you. Then, think of an organization you follow on social media or interact with often and think “Wow – they are doing really great work!” Now, look back at your list. Is anything aligned with that org’s mission? Then, reach out and see if it’s a match!

In the case of Digital Mountaineers, we are always looking for pro-bono projects for deserving organizations. That is how Jordan, our CEO, came upon the Tech to the Rescue page on LinkedIn. (Psssst: LinkedIn is a wonderful way to make those professional connections. Make sure your nonprofit has its own page.)  He loved their mission and so he reached out to see how we could work together.


2. What can you give to the partnership?

A partnership is more than what you get, but what you can give. What is something that your org does incredibly well? Is there a way to use those skills and lend a helping hand to an organization who needs exactly what you can give? Send out an ask! In our case, Tech to the Rescue has an amazing model for their partners. We are able to donate our tech services to a number of organizations who align with our mission and values. In turn, we help with tech, add them to our Positive Impact Directory, give social media shout outs, and a special place on our annual Giving Tuesday list of organizations.


3. Create a one of a kind partnership

Once you find your strategic partner, it is a great exercise in being explicit about what you need. Like any working relationship, communication is key. Together, you can structure a timeline, expectations, and what you are hoping to accomplish together. For us at DM, we wanted to make sure we had access to several nonprofits so we could continue rolling right along and donating websites to incredible organizations across the world. As a global remote company, we value working with fellow global organizations and Tech to the Rescue understands that.


4. Make those connections

Marketing is about making connections. You’re not just yelling into the void and hoping someone hears you. You have to be intentional. Work smarter, not harder! Connections beget more connections. If you aren’t a good fit for an organization, maybe you know another who is the right fit for them. Sometimes you’re the one doing the connecting and sometimes you’re the one being connected. Both are essential to the process.


5. Share the love

Once you have established this partnership, share how YOU did it with your communities – just like we’re doing now! Host a roundtable discussion and invite colleagues to the event. Establish yourself as an organization that is rooted in knowledge sharing and community building. Because no matter the industry you’re in, at the end of the day people want to work with good people.


Searching for your positive impact partner?

Browse through our Positive Impact Directory! Be sure to let us know when you find your match. We can’t wait to hear about it!


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